Our Practices

Continuous improvement and lifelong learning are at the heart of everything we do. Trial and error, and the willingness to learn from mistakes have allowed us to progress the farm and make it a viable business for the next generation. Embracing change and learning along the way have made a significant impact on our practices, which will continue to be an evolution of improvement in the future.



Improving land fertility is one of our most important objectives every year. We use soil sampling on every farm to create prescription application maps that target areas that need fertilizer the most, helping us to eliminate waste and return nutrients to the soil in the most efficient manner possible. When the weather allows, we also try to split-apply our nitrogen needs by utilizing our top dress machine to time applications throughout the growing season. This has allowed us to improve yields without using additional nitrogen.

Drain Tile

Our geography is blessed with heavy, fertile soils that have tremendous water-holding capacity. But in order to consistently raise quality crops, we need to invest in drain tile to remove excess water. Tile also helps prevent erosion and run-off from surface water by creating outlets for water to flow underground. Along with fertility, drain tile is a critical long-term investment to improving a farm’s productivity and we work closely with partners to identify areas that need it the most.

Grain Handling

Minnesota can bring a shortened growing season and unpredictable weather. In order to work with mother nature, we continually make investments in our grain handling facilities to improve harvest speed and efficiency. Our grain handling allows us to harvest non-stop for weeks at a time without having to wait in line at commercial receiving facilities. We also use the grain handling as a tool for marketing and scheduling delivery to final destinations.


We believe that investing in technology that eliminates waste and improves efficiency is critical. Some of these investments include variable rate seeding and fertilizer, auto-path GPS steering, section control shut-offs for spraying/planting, wireless data transfer from the cabs to the office, and farm management software.

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63901 190th St.
Stewart, MN 55385

Joe: 320-894-4533
Evan: 320-583-0876
Austin: 320-583-8800

Website Design By Ranch House Designs, Inc.